Hounds Town USA is Helping Pet Parents Banish ‘Back-to-School Blues’: Here’s How!
When the kids go back to school and the house is suddenly empty, so many dogs out there deal with separation anxiety. This has only become more of a problem in the wake of the pandemic, as many remote workers are now returning to the office. By enrolling your pup in doggie daycare, you can prevent separation anxiety that may arise from sudden changes to your family’s schedule.
A doggie daycare like Hounds Town USA could be an excellent option, either on a short-term or long-term basis. Due to the rise of pets in households from 2020’s pet adoption boom, doggie daycare is a more popular option than ever for families who want to keep their pups happy now that they’re heading back to ‘business as usual.’
Let’s explore a bit about why doggie daycares are so helpful for separation anxiety and how Hounds Town USA is taking the initiative to improve the mental health of dogs and their owners.

How Do Doggie Daycares Benefit Dogs with Separation Anxiety?
Separation anxiety is one of the most common behavioral issues found in dogs. This condition can be mild or quite severe. Separation anxiety can be caused by everything from going back to school to a new schedule to a relocation. In the wake of the pandemic, many dogs are experiencing separation anxiety now that their owners are returning to work and young ones are returning to physical classes.
Doggie daycares can help ease separation anxiety in dogs in a number of ways. To start, the social aspect of doggie daycares can help keep your pup occupied and less focused on the fact that you are not there. At Hounds Town USA, we make socialization a priority and offer plenty of playtime among all of our furry clients. This is beneficial for separation anxiety but is also beneficial for the overall behavioral health of your dog.
Sending your dog to a doggie daycare several times a week or even every weekday can help them establish a healthy routine. Dogs need routines in order to feel safe, just like humans often do. Suddenly going to work or school can mess with that routine and make your dog feel anxious. With a set schedule in which your dog attends doggie daycare during the week, their conditional separation anxiety will be reduced. The familiarity and predictable nature of this routine can help your dog relax and even look forward to doggie daycare. You might even find that the behavioral issues your dog may have, such as tearing up furniture or aggression, are significantly reduced by establishing a regular doggie daycare visit.
Exercise is another big factor to consider if your dog is dealing with separation anxiety. Just like humans, dogs may experience anxiety or mental health problems when they are not properly exercised on a daily basis. If your pup is left at home alone without any stimulation, they may exhibit behavioral issues. Doggie daycare is a great solution to this problem. Exercise is a major part of doggie daycare services. Businesses like Hounds Town USA offer a wealth of exercise opportunities, from walks to outdoor playtime. Group playtime, in particular, is a great way to socialize your dog in a supervised setting while also giving them the exercise they need to relieve their anxiety and improve their physical health. Just as well, exercise time is a fantastic opportunity for your dog to enjoy the company of other humans when you are not there.
For Hounds Town USA Franchise Owners, the recent surge of new pet parents, combined with the return to work and school over the next couple of months, can spell success- in fact, some of our Franchise Owners are reporting that they are busier than ever!
Tips for Relieving Pet Separation Anxiety
One of the most stand-out features of the Hounds Town opportunity is that Franchise Owners have a unique opportunity to partner with a true canine expert!
Our Founder, Mike Gould, has nearly 40 years of experience with dog training and handling under his belt, and is always excited to pass his extensive knowledge on to new Franchise Owners! The Hounds Town way of doing things differs from other doggie daycare and boarding franchises in that it focuses on what the dogs need, rather than on the needs of their humans.
Through our extensive training program and world-class ongoing support, even Franchise Owners without a single day of previous pet industry experience can achieve success in their market- not to mention become dog experts themselves! Here are a few of the top tips we recommend to our customers for keeping pet separation anxiety to a minimum:
Create a morning routine at home. Before your kids head out for school, encourage them to spend time and interact with your dog. It can also be beneficial to encourage extra playtime and interaction when they return from school. This teaches your dog that even though the family is gone, there will always be pets and love before and after they leave.
Remind them of their favorite human. Is your dog attached to one specific family member? If so, it may help to leave out clothing that the individual has worn. The scent of this person can help ease any anxiety your dog is experiencing. Just as well, if you plan on boarding your dog overnight or for a longer period of time, including this article of clothing in their overnight bag can be quite helpful.
Special toy time! Purchase a dog toy that is only provided to the dog when you and your family are not home. This will be your dog’s special daytime toy that can bring them comfort when nobody else is home.
Give them a day out. Bring your pups to doggie daycare at least once a week to relieve the stress and boredom that can often trigger separation anxiety behaviors in pets. By spending time in their own “pack” with some furry four-legged friends, you can rest easy knowing your dogs can have a great time while you’re at the office and the kids are off at school- and, as an added bonus, they’ll come home exhausted and ready to relax…just like you!
Now Franchising in Cities Across the U.S.
Now that we’ve talked about how to keep your dogs from getting anxious once the kids are back in school and you’ve gone back to work, here comes the real question…are you so sure YOU want to head back to the office?
A number of our newest Franchise Owners discovered the Hounds Town opportunity when staying home made them realize they wanted to escape the corporate grind! If you’re looking to em-BARK (sorry, not sorry) on a new career path that you can be truly passionate about, why not take a closer look at the Hounds Town franchise opportunity? With new locations opening to record numbers across the United States, there really has never been a better time to own a pet-centric business. And thanks to our simple business model, it’s an ideal choice for semi-absentee investors who want to take a “paws-off” approach to handling the day-to-day operations!
If you’re ready to explore the PAWS-ibilities of owning your own Hounds Town USA dog daycare business, we make it simple! Visit our franchise website to learn more.