Franchise Owner Questionnaire – Derrick & Renee Drinnon

Derrick and Renee Drinnon - Hounds Town USA Franchise - Pensacola, Florida - 1

Franchise Owner Name: Derrick & Renee Drinnon

Location: Pensacola, FL

1. What is your personal/professional background?

Renee – Human Resources, Customer Service

Derrick – Animal Health, Sales and Marketing Leadership

2. What are your personal hobbies or interests?

Love all animals, especially Dogs! We love to travel with friends and family. As a foodie, We enjoy cooking and going out to eat is such a wonderful experience. We love seeking out dives to high end restaurants. We both love to travel, golf and occasionally fish. We love living with our partner in crime and experiencing new adventures. 

 3. How did you first learn about Hounds Town USA?

We had been talking about starting our own business and thought where should we begin? Starting with what we know as pet lovers after Renee worked in the animal health industry for 5 years and Derrick for over 30 years.

4. Why is Hounds Town USA the right fit for you? 

The people, energy and most importantly the resources. 

5. What did you like about Hounds Town USA’s business model?

The resources and structure did it for us. Knowing we have a network of people to reach out to that’s lived it was important to us. It feels like each step we are walking together and no one is going to leave us behind.

Derrick and Renee Drinnon - Hounds Town USA Franchise - Pensacola, Florida - 3

6. What did you like about meeting Hounds Town USA’s Executive Team?

Easy to understand and the deep dive into the business. We love the interaction with the team and their dynamics. Real people with real business and life objectives.

7. What did you like about the Hounds Town USA Approval Day (Discovery Day)? 

Meeting the executive team and other potential franchisees thinking of joining the Hounds Town team. The professionalism of the entire team along with a process that is easy to understand and follow.

8. Did you have a particular “A-ha” or “Lightbulb” moment that made you want to franchise with Hounds Town USA?

We both kept looking for a reason not to start our own Hounds Town, but there wasn’t one! We finally came to that moment where we both knew this was the right decision.

 9. Why did you want to become an entrepreneur?

Passion — When making this huge business decision, we needed to step back and make sure that what we were starting is something we are truly passionate about. Without passion, an investment may be wise, but with it, a business can blossom and grow.

10. What do you think will make you successful? 

Derrick and Renee work well as a team and our focus is always on best in class customer service. We both are very energetic and love networking. We have a family motto that’s been passed down generations and it is “Never Give Up” and we are excited to pursue the dream of owning our own successful business and making a difference for both our customers and the dogs.

11. What sets Hounds Town USA apart, in your eyes, from other franchise opportunities in the Pet Care Industry? 

The people, leadership and focus on bettering the lives of the dogs. It’s also important that profitability for the franchisee is a key metric within the organization. 

Dog Daycare Franchise - Hounds Town USA - 3

12. What has been the best part of your experience with the Hounds Town USA corporate team so far?

The stages of learning. You learn just the right amount of information and the tasks are spread out without getting overwhelmed. The process is well thought out and does not overwhelm.

13. What advice would you give to a potential Franchise Owner? 

Listen and learn, if it feels right go with your gut. Talk to other franchise owners and learn from people that were once in your shoes. One owner told me, “I absolutely love what I do. The journey was a bit rough getting to open; I wouldn’t change a thing!!” For us, we have a lot to learn but are so excited to continue this journey and learn to grow.

14. How important are dogs/pets in your daily life?

If you’re passionate about dogs/pets it’s very probably your an owner or once was an owner of a dog/pet. It’s all about timing when the right dog comes along you follow your heart and give them a home. Truly a gift of love.

15. What do you look forward to about owning you own Hounds Town USA franchise?

The Journey of Freedom, creating a culture and environment where employees are engaged and look forward to coming to work and servicing both the customer and the dogs. Making an impact in the community. Originally, we have always hired dog sitters or boarded our pets at the veterinarian. We had no idea that doggie daycare was an option. Now we know there’s other pup moms and dads out there that with brand awareness will love bringing their fur babies to our Hounds Town in Pensacola.